Python is an easy-to-learn, powerful, and versatile language widely used in data science, web development, automation, and artificial intelligence. Throughout the course, students will learn key programming concepts such as variables, data types, control structures, functions, and error handling.
Basic Syntax and Structure
Control Flow
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
Libraries and Frameworks
Paper & Pencil
Internet Connect
Overview of Python and its Features
Python Installation and Setup (IDLE, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook)
Running Python Programs
Python Syntax, Keywords, and Indentation
Input and Output in Python
Data Types and Variables
Comments and Documentation Strings
Decision-Making Statements (if, else if, elif)
Looping Constructs (for, while)
break, continue, and pass Statements
Introduction to List Comprehensions
Lists: Operations, Slicing, and Comprehensions
Tuples: Properties and Usage
Dictionaries: Keys, Values, and Dictionary Comprehensions
Sets and Frozen Sets
Strings and Common String Methods
Working with Nested Data Structures
Defining and Calling Functions
Parameters: Positional, Keyword, and Default Arguments
*args and **kwargs
Return Statement and Scope of Variables
Lambda Functions and Map, Filter, Reduce
Importing and Using Modules (Built-in and Custom)
Understanding the Python Standard Library
File Operations: Open, Read, Write, and Append
Working with Text and Binary Files
File Exceptions
Context Managers (with statement)
CSV File Handling
Python Exception Hierarchy
try, except, else, and finally
Raising Exceptions (raise)
Creating Custom Exceptions
Classes and Objects
Constructors (__init__)
Methods and self Parameter
Inheritance and Overriding
Polymorphism and Method Resolution Order (MRO)
Encapsulation and Data Hiding
Using super() and @classmethod/@staticmethod Decorators
NumPy: Arrays and Basic Operations
Pandas: DataFrames, Series, and File Operations
Matplotlib: Plotting Graphs and Visualizations
Seaborn: Advanced Data Visualizations
Scikit-Learn: Introduction to Machine Learning
Overview of Flask Framework
Creating Simple Web Applications
Routing, Templates, and Forms
Database Connectivity with Flask (SQLite/MySQL)
Introduction to Django Framework (Optional)
Working with SQLite and MySQL in Python
Executing SQL Queries from Python
Using ORMs like SQLAlchemy
Socket Programming Basics
Building Simple Client-Server Applications
HTTP Requests using requests Library
APIs: Consuming REST APIs using Python
Iterators and Generators
Decorators and Context Managers
Regular Expressions in Python
Multithreading and Multiprocessing
Working with DateTime and Time Libraries
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(2 Review)
"The instructor made Python so easy to learn! I enjoyed the interactive coding challenges, and the real-world applications gave me confidence in using Python outside the classroom."
"This Python course was amazing! The instructor explained everything clearly, and the hands-on exercises helped me understand the concepts better.