Dive into the exciting world of web development with our comprehensive HTML/CSS course. Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your front-end development skills, this course will empower you to build stunning, responsive websites from scratch.
HTML Essentials: Structure web pages using semantic HTML tags.
CSS Styling: Bring your websites to life with captivating styles and layouts.
Web Design Best Practices: Learn tips and tricks for user-friendly interfaces.
Project-Based Learning: Build real-world projects to showcase your skills.
Paper & Pencil
Internet Connect
Overview of Web Development
Understanding the Client-Server Model
Role of HTML,CSS and Javascript in Web-Development
Setting Up the Development Environment (VS Code, Browser Developer Tools)
Introduction to HTML and its Features
Structure of an HTML Document
HTML Elements, Tags, and Attributes
DOCTYPE Declaration
Semantic vs Non-Semantic Elements
Basic Tags: html, head, body
Text Formatting Tags: h1 to h6, p, strong, em
Lists: Ordered (ol) and Unordered (ul) Lists
Tables: table, thead, tbody, tfoot
Form Elements (form, input, textarea, button)
Form Validation
Dropdowns, Radio Buttons, and Checkboxes
File Upload and Date Input
Multimedia Elements: audio, video, canvas, svg
Linking: , Absolute vs Relative Links
HTML5 Semantic Elements: header, footer, article, section, nav
Iframes and Embedding External Content
Introduction to CSS and its Features
Syntax and Selectors (Tag, Class, ID Selectors)
Applying CSS: Inline, Internal, and External CSS
The Cascade, Specificity, and Inheritance
Box Model: Margin, Border, Padding, Content
Backgrounds and Borders
Fonts and Text Styling
Colors in CSS: Named Colors, Hex, RGB, HSL
Display Property (inline, block, inline-block, none)
Positioning: Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky
Flex Container and Flex Items
Aligning Items, Wrapping, and Order
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