Mastering Object-Oriented Programming with C++
Unlock the power of C++, one of the most versatile and performance-driven programming languages. This course takes you from the basics of C++ programming to advanced object-oriented concepts.
Core C++ syntax and program structure
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts: classes, objects, inheritance, and polymorphism
Memory management with pointers and dynamic allocation
File handling and exception management
Paper & Pencil
Internet Connect
History and Features of C++
Understanding the Difference Between C and C++
Setting Up the Development Environment (GCC, Visual Studio, etc.)
Writing and Running a Simple C++ Program
Basic Syntax, Tokens, and Data Types
Input and Output in C++ (cin, cout)
Decision-Making Statements (if, else if, else, switch)
Looping Constructs (for, while, do-while)
Jump Statements (break, continue, goto, and return)
Introduction to the auto Keyword
Function Basics: Defining and Calling Functions
Function Overloading
Inline Functions and Default Arguments
Recursion in C++
main() Function and Command-Line Arguments
Introduction to OOP Concepts
Classes and Objects
Access Modifiers: public, private, and protected
Constructors and Destructors
this Pointer
Static Members and Functions
Inheritance: Single, Multilevel, Multiple, Hierarchical
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions
Operator Overloading (Unary and Binary)
Friend Functions and Friend Classes
Encapsulation and Data Hiding
Introduction to Pointers in C++
new and delete for Dynamic Memory Allocation
Pointers to Objects
Smart Pointers (std::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr)
Arrays: One-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
C++ Strings and String Manipulations
Introduction to Standard Template Library (STL):
Working with Files in C++
File Input and Output Streams (ifstream, ofstream, fstream)
Reading and Writing to Text and Binary Files
Random Access in Files
Basics of Exception Handling
try, catch, and throw Statements
User-Defined Exceptions
Exception Specifications
Function Templates and Class Templates
Namespaces and the std Namespace
Introduction to C++11 and Later Features:
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(2 Review)
"Great C++ course! The lessons were well-structured, covering OOP, data structures, and memory management. Hands-on projects helped reinforce concepts, making it a great choice for learners looking to strengthen their C++ skills!"
"Excellent C++ course! Clear explanations and practical exercises made learning easy. Covered OOP, pointers, and STL in depth. Highly recommended for anyone looking to master C++!"